The Soltis Center, in collaboration with Campbell Scientific and GW Scientific has established a long-term station
(TSH02) at the Soltis Center spring-fed water-supply source. The station
serves both operational and educational goals. The station uses a Campbell Scientific Inc.
CR1000x data logger to measure and store data from a variety of sensors.
Details on how information is collected is provided to help teach students how information is collected. Additional information
will be added to continue to develop the educational benefits of the Soltis Center Water Supply Monitoring and Educational system.
  Soltis Center, Michael Lilly (left) and Johan Gonzalez(right) inspecting the spring-fed water supply tanks before installing the TSH02 Hydrology Station, February 2020 
"Click" on the image to see a higher resolution version
NOTE: TSH02 data are
currently unavailable due to station repairs. Current data will be avaialble again once repairs are complete.
Additional Information
The following pages will be available again once station repairs are complete:
- Weather
- Soil Temperature
- Groundwater Recharge Potential
- Station Diagnostics
- Soil Moisture Depth Profiles
- Climate of Alaska vs. Texas vs. Costa Rica
Please contact one of the following individuals for additional information about the project, or to report any data outages.
This site is also used for research purposes and may be have temporary outages due to station changes.
Dr. Eugenio Gonzalez (Soltis Center Director), egonzalez.soltis.center@tamu.edu
Michael Lilly (GW Scientific), mlilly@gwscientific.com, 907-322-3008 (cell)